crime map

Please click this map to see police calls received in the past 24 hours. MPOA President Tony Arguelles: “You can receive a personalized daily report from sent directly to your email inbox notifying you of exactly what crimes occurred and where they happened. Go to and click on the Receive Crime Alerts! link in the bottom left hand corner.”
The City of Modesto Police Department has partnered with to make crime activity data available to the public via the internet. This information provided is intended to promote community awareness and encourage the use of crime prevention measures. The data on the map is generated through citizen requests for police services. The data points show call volume and do not necessarily reflect a crime has occurred. Locations displayed are approximate, based on the 100th block address and intersection information. The City of Modesto Police Department intends for the information provided to be correct, however, errors sometimes occur. The Department cannot give any guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information. Incidents involving sex crimes, domestic violence, and other offenses set forth in Government code 6254(f) are restricted and will not be displayed. By entering/using this site, you agree that any use of the information for personal misuse or commercial purposes is prohibited. The Crimemapping website is not owned or operated by Facebook or The Modesto City Police Department. Crimemapping TM & Copyright © 1992 – 2012, The Omega Group. All rights reserved.